How to Find Perfect Email Cadence and Boost the Open Rate

Email cadence refers to the timing and frequency at which emails are sent to a particular recipient or group of recipients as part of an email marketing or communication strategy. It is an essential aspect of email marketing and communication campaigns, as the timing and frequency of emails can significantly impact their effectiveness and the recipient's experience.

A well-planned email cadence helps ensure that you send the right content to the right people at the right time, maximizing engagement and minimizing unsubscribes and spam complaints. 

Determining the best email cadence to generate engagement can vary depending on several factors, including your industry, audience preferences, the nature of your content, and your specific goals. While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, here are some email cadence best practices to help you find the right one for you:

Define Your Goals and Understand Your Audience

When establishing an effective email cadence, tailoring your email marketing strategy to your specific goals and your audience's preferences is a crucial first step. Here are some tips to help you determine the correct email marketing cadence for your situation:

  1. Clear Goals: Define specific campaign objectives, such as increasing sales or boosting brand awareness, to align your email cadence with these goals.
  2. Engagement Metrics: Identify key engagement metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to measure campaign effectiveness. Adjust your email frequency based on these metrics.
  3. Audience-Centric Approach: Prioritize your target audience's needs and preferences by sending relevant, value-added content. Understand your audience's customer journey to tailor content and cadence.
  4. Industry Benchmarks: Gauge campaign performance relative to competitors by tracking industry-specific open, click-through, and conversion rates.

The core purpose of an email cadence is to craft messages that genuinely connect with individual customers at specific moments. This means that sending generic, one-size-fits-all emails won't suffice.

You need to provide recipients with content that speaks directly to their unique needs and interests, often involving understanding where they are in their decision-making process.

This process typically encompasses three stages: initial awareness, deeper consideration, and final decision. It's essential to recognize that each of these stages, and the varying levels of engagement within them, demands tailored messaging.

Recognizing the uniqueness of individuals in your email list is fundamental to effective email marketing. Collecting and analyzing data about your subscribers allows you to gain insights into their preferences, behaviors, and needs. Armed with this information, you can tailor your email content and frequency to deliver a personalized and relevant experience.

Furthermore, thanks to automation technology, it's possible to set up the necessary infrastructure for customizing email content and delivery timing to align with the behavior and preferences of different leads.

According to the 2021 HubSpot survey, 47.2% of marketers consider email personalization to be the most effective strategy for achieving their email marketing goals.

Email Marketing Frequency

Email frequency isn't a precise science. You'll likely need some trial and error to discover what suits your business and your customers' interests best.

Aligning your email cadence with days with the highest activity would be advisable. An email marketing survey shows that most marketers find Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to be the days

with the highest email engagement.

Remember to give your subscribers control over their email frequency. Please include a link in your emails that lets them adjust their preferences. This prevents them from unsubscribing if they feel overwhelmed, as they can choose to receive fewer emails.

How to allow subscribers to adjust their preferences?

  1. Use an Email Marketing Platform: First, use a reputable email marketing platform that offers automation and preference center features. Many popular platforms, such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and HubSpot, provide tools for managing subscriber preferences.
  2. Create a Preference Center Page: Create a dedicated preference center page on your website. This page will serve as the central location where subscribers can adjust their email preferences. Include options for controlling the frequency of emails, choosing specific email types (e.g., newsletters, promotional offers, product updates), and updating contact information.
  3. Include a Link in Your Emails: In each of your marketing emails, include a prominent and easily accessible link that directs subscribers to the preference center page. This link should be clear and concise, such as "Manage Your Email Preferences" or "Update Subscription Settings."

Customer preferences aren't always absolute. They might still want to hear from you even if they get many emails. Please give them the flexibility to decide. Your customers' interests should always come before your preferred email cadence.

How does frequency impact conversion rates?

  1. Over half (53.49%) of email marketers send multiple emails monthly, and nearly one-third (32.51%) send at least one email weekly.
  2. Impact on Open Rates: The data indicates that emails sent multiple times per week tend to have lower open rates than emails sent less frequently (monthly or less). However, the difference is relatively small, with only a 4.66% decrease in the medium open rate for high-frequency senders.
  3. Click-Through Rates: Interestingly, sending frequency has little impact on click-through rates. The data shows that as long as emails provide value, people will engage with them, regardless of how often they are sent.

Open rates for email per week:

Monitoring Email Analytics

Lastly, to ensure your email marketing campaigns are optimized for success, it's imperative to monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates – the three most critical email marketing metrics. 

Also, Understanding the email practices of similar companies within your industry or niche can provide valuable insights when determining your own email marketing frequency. By observing their email cadence, you can gain a sense of industry standards and customer expectations.

To streamline this process and gain comprehensive insights into your email marketing strategy, including factors like the timing of your email campaigns and industry benchmarks, consider leveraging a sophisticated email analytics tool. 

With CloudMindPro, you can effortlessly access and assess all the key metrics essential for gauging the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. This streamlined approach offers a clear and concise overview of your campaign's success, enabling you to make informed decisions and optimize your strategies for better results.

Experiment with email cadence

Testing is valuable for gauging customer responses to varied email frequencies and timings. You can gather valuable data by splitting your audience into groups, one receiving weekly emails and the other bi-weekly, or one group receiving emails in the morning and another in the afternoon. 

Analyzing open and click-through metrics will reveal which approach garners the best engagement. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your email marketing strategy, finding the optimal cadence and timing that resonates most effectively with your audience. Regularly conducting tests and adjusting your strategy ensures you align with your customer's preferences and behavior.

Finding the right email cadence may take time. Still, by putting your customers' interests first and continuously analyzing data, you'll be well-positioned to discover what works best for your business. Understand your customers' needs where they are in their buying journey, and tailor your email cadence accordingly.