25 Best Cold Email Software And How To Pick One For Yourself

With an average return on investment (ROI) reaching an impressive 3,800%, cold emailing stands out as the most reliable and efficient method for connecting with potential clients. 

However, achieving such remarkable outcomes necessitates employing the correct approach. Additionally, engaging in manual emailing can consume a substantial portion of a sales professional's time. This is where cold email software becomes invaluable.

For those new to automation and unsure how to proceed, there's no need for concern. We will guide you through the process of effectively automating email outreach using various tools.

But, to begin, let's delve into the fundamentals of cold emailing and explore the best cold email software solutions.

25 Best Cold Email Software Solutions 2023

Let’s introduce you to the best platforms for cold email marketing available today.


Outreach is a dynamic cold email platform that enables comprehensive deal management. Its rich feature set encompasses personalized templates, A/B testing, and meticulous email tracking.

This is what qualifies Outreach as one of the best cold email software solutions that rightfully belongs to this list.

This empowers sales professionals to craft engaging content and analyze recipient interactions, thereby enhancing conversion rates and fostering meaningful client relationships.


Renowned for its emphasis on deliverability and automation, Woodpecker stands out with its integrated CRM and email tracking capabilities. 

This tool streamlines communication, ensuring that emails reach the intended recipients and garner actionable insights through efficient tracking mechanisms.


With its user-friendly interface and cost-effective approach, Saleshandy caters to those seeking simplicity without compromising functionality. 

This solution encompasses email tracking, templates, and integration with CRMs, allowing seamless management of cold email campaigns and interactions.


Highly regarded for its prowess in email address discovery and verification, Snov.io extends its utility with features such as email tracking and outreach functionalities. 

This comprehensive approach aids in building and maintaining robust contact lists, ultimately enhancing engagement.


Hunter's appeal lies in its dual role as an email finder and verifier. Coupled with email verification and outreach features, it emerges as a versatile tool for bolstering contact databases and executing effective outreach strategies.


Targeting B2B prospecting on LinkedIn, Reply.io offers a holistic approach with features including email outreach, LinkedIn insights, and CRM integration. This facilitates strategic engagement, connecting sales teams with prospects across multiple platforms.


Seamlessly integrating with popular email platforms, Yesware simplifies cold email campaigns through features like email tracking, templates, and CRM integration. It enhances communication efficiency and provides valuable insights for tailored follow-ups.


Streamlining cold email marketing, Mailshake's straightforward interface incorporates email templates, tracking, and A/B testing. These tools equip users with the means to fine-tune outreach strategies for optimal engagement.


Renowned for its visually appealing emails, Lemlist offers more than aesthetics. Its features, including templates, tracking, and A/B testing, contribute to crafting impactful emails that resonate with recipients, enhancing engagement rates.


Catering to collaborative sales and marketing teams, Mixmax offers features such as templates, tracking, and A/B testing. It promotes efficient communication strategies, allowing teams to align and execute cohesive outreach efforts.


Serving as a Gmail extension, GMass empowers users to conduct cold email campaigns with ease. Email tracking, templates, and CRM integration functionalities elevate the overall communication process, resulting in more effective outreach.


A Google Suite add-on, Streak provides valuable insights into email activity. This tool combines email tracking, templates, and CRM integration to facilitate organized communication and informed follow-ups.


Focusing on deliverability, MailRush's offerings encompass email tracking, templates, and CRM integration. This amalgamation aids in creating impactful campaigns while ensuring emails reach their intended destinations.


Integrating seamlessly with popular CRMs, Klenty offers a comprehensive approach featuring tracking, templates, and A/B testing. This integration optimizes cold email campaigns, promoting more informed and strategic outreach.


Ideal for small teams seeking to automate cold email campaigns, PersistIQ streamlines tasks through features like tracking, templates, and CRM integration. This ensures consistent and effective outreach, enabling teams to focus on higher-level tasks.


A KPI-driven email campaign platform, Autoklose combines tracking, templates, and CRM integration. It empowers users to align their outreach with performance indicators, optimizing engagement and conversion rates.


Targeting ideal customers, CloserIQ's features, including tracking, templates, and CRM integration, facilitate personalized and strategic engagement. This enhances the potential for building valuable connections.


While primarily a link-building tool, Pitchbox offers valuable cold email features such as tracking, templates, and CRM integration. This expands its utility beyond SEO, enabling effective outreach efforts.


Positioned as a cost-effective solution, QuickMail offers simplified cold email capabilities. With tracking, templates, and CRM integration, it streamlines outreach campaigns for enhanced communication efficiency.


Focused on B2B opportunity research, UpLead merges tracking, templates, and CRM integration to streamline prospecting efforts. 

This equips users with the tools needed to engage with potential clients more effectively.

Close CRM

Close CRM integrates tracking, templates, and CRM functionality by combining CRM capabilities with email features. This synergy optimizes communication within a unified platform.

Overloop CRM

With a task management focus and affordability, Overloop CRM offers features like tracking, templates, and CRM integration. 

This blend enhances communication and organization within a budget-friendly framework.


Designed for B2B companies, Smartreach.io streamlines personalized campaigns through custom merge tags, auto follow-ups, SPAM testing, and advanced analytics. 

This results in more strategic and data-driven outreach.

Contact Monkey

Operating within Gmail or Outlook, Contact Monkey's integration of tracking, templates, and CRM functionality streamlines cold email campaign management. 

This ensures more comprehensive communication within familiar email platforms.


Mailmodo merges tracking, templates, and A/B testing by enabling personalized emails at scale. 

This promotes efficient, large-scale engagement, bolstering outreach strategies for maximum impact.

Best Free Cold Email Software

Let’s get familiar with the best free cold email software solutions. You will be surprised to learn that very good tools come for free.

Take a look at 10 of the best cold email outreach software solutions that you can use for free:

  1. QuickMail Lite: This free cold email platform offers a limited number of features, but it's a great option for beginners or small businesses. It includes email templates, contact management, and email tracking.
  2. Yesware: This free plan allows you to send up to 250 emails per month. It also includes email templates, contact management, and email tracking.
  3. Hunter.io: This free plan allows you to find up to 50 email addresses per month. It also includes email verification and email tracking.
  4. Uplead: This free plan allows you to find up to 100 email addresses per month. It also includes email verification and email tracking.
  5. Mailchimp: This is a popular email marketing platform that also offers a free plan for cold emailing. However, it is limited to 2,000 emails per month.
  6. Sendgrid: This is a cloud-based email delivery platform that also offers a free plan for cold emailing. However, it is limited to 100 emails per day.
  7. Mailgun: This is another cloud-based email delivery platform that also offers a free plan for cold emailing. However, it is limited to 10,000 emails per month.
  8. Postmark: This is a cloud-based email delivery platform that also offers a free plan for cold emailing. However, it is limited to 200 emails per day.

How to Pick The Right Cold Email Software Solution for Your Needs

Now, it’s time for you to learn the ropes when it comes to picking the best cold email software for your specific needs.

1. Personalization

Incorporating personalization stands as an essential attribute of any cold email software. Without tailoring your email content, its resonance with the recipient remains limited. 

While various cold email automation tools allow for email personalization, the degree of customization varies across these tools.

Certain platforms offer basic text personalization, enabling the inclusion of dynamic variables like the recipient's name and company name. 

On the other hand, more advanced tools extend to image personalization and the integration of personalized videos within emails. 

Ultimately, the depth of personalization directly influences the recipient's level of engagement, making this feature a crucial component of your chosen tool.

2. Email Tracking Capability

The ability to track emails plays a pivotal role in evaluating the effectiveness of your email campaign. 

It encompasses monitoring metrics such as email open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and reply rates. These metrics furnish insights into the campaign's performance, facilitating adjustments for enhanced outcomes in subsequent endeavors. 

For instance, a high bounce rate may prompt an investigation into the quality of your contact list.

Additionally, considering the importance of email deliverability and sender reputation, email verification is a valuable feature to seek in your tool.

3. Campaign Automation

Cold email tools alleviate your workload by managing labor-intensive tasks such as compiling contact lists, customizing emails, automating sending schedules, and orchestrating follow-ups and drip campaigns. 

Opting for a tool encompassing these automation capabilities can greatly streamline your workflow.

4. CRM Integration

Maintaining up-to-date prospect data within a CRM system can be arduous. Hence, a recommended approach involves selecting a tool that seamlessly integrates with your existing CRM solution. 

This integration not only streamlines operations but also results in significant time savings.

Final Thoughts

Undoubtedly, cold email software simplifies the process of prospect outreach via email. 

While numerous tools are available, not all encompass the full spectrum of features necessary for your outreach endeavors.

Armed with an understanding of the offerings presented by the 25 best cold email software tools, you are better equipped to choose the solution that aligns with your requirements.